Who we are

All of us here at Aether & Alloy Games love all types of games, whether it be board games, card games, or even video games. But we found ourselves in a bit of a rut, playing the same games over and over again. We found ourselves making new rules and adding new cards to the games we loved to add a bit more flare and excitement to our game nights. Before long, many of the games we played regularly became unrecognizable to the original game, and we were totally okay with that! We got to the point where we thought “why not just make our own games?”

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

Well that is easier said than done. Our journey to create a new game started in March 2024. Since then, we have printed and cut out thousands of test cards, played with dozens of friends and family members, and have gone through roughly a dozen iterations. What we are left with is Rust & Rebellion, a steampunk-themed apocalyptic survival game. And it has no resemblance to our original version or idea. And we’re okay with that! Because the first version wasn’t fun, it had over a dozen pages of rules, and it took nearly 3 hours to play! We had a goal get gameplay under an hour, and make gameplay so easy that we could cut the number of pages in the rulebook in half. And after nearly a year, we finally did it!

Rust & Rebellion is just the first game we are working on releasing, but we wanted to make sure we started off with a bang! We want to prove that our games are unique, fun, easy to learn, and that they can be played by people of all ages. While Rust & Rebellion is aimed more at card game and board game enthusiasts, it’s simple enough that children as young as 10 can play without a hitch.

Now that we have this first one under our belts, we are ready to kick off a bunch more projects! Some will be a bit simpler with less pieces to offer our customers great options at a lesser cost, but we still want to have a focus on immersive game experiences that are great for groups and have a high level of re-playability.


Derek Geslison

Hello game enthusiasts! I am Derek and I like to dip my hand into many buckets (I have a lot of hobbies.) I’m a DIYer, a techy, an athlete, and a game enthusiast. My family and I get together 1-2 times a week to play card games and board games and the game boxes are piling up! I built my parents a closet to hold all of their games 6 years ago, but now we have enough games to fill 2 game closets! And it’s a great problem to have because we have played numerous great titles over the years. Some of my favorites include Munchkin, Skull King, Splendor, and Doomlings, along with numerous games with face cards.

Megan Brimley

Hello, Megan here, I am a through-and-through gamer; board games, video games, sports; I don’t really discriminate, I just enjoy playing. I enjoy traveling and adventuring with my dog. I also like to dabble in a little of everything, painting, making games (board games and video games) and working out. I am excited for you to try our game and stay tuned for more!

Check out our list of games